Cultivating Happiness

Cultivating happiness

We all want to be happy. But is it even possible to become happier? These five suggestions can help you cultivating happiness and satisfaction in your life.

The keys to happiness

Do you, like many others, have a mental checklist of things you believe you need to be truly happy? Our society teaches us to pursue a variety of externals, including success, wealth, fame, power, good looks, and romantic love. Are they, however, the keys to happiness?

No, according to the research, at least not in terms of long-term happiness. A prestigious award, a large raise, an exciting new relationship, a flashy new car, or losing weight can all make us feel great at first, but the rush is fleeting. Humans are quick to adapt to new situations, which has helped us survive and thrive. However, it also implies that the positive things that initially make us happy become our new normal, and we revert to our previous happiness baseline.

However, positive psychology researchers have discovered that you can genuinely increase your happiness and overall satisfaction with life—and it doesn’t require a winning lottery ticket or any other drastic change in circumstances. What is required is an internal shift in perspective and attitude. And that is truly wonderful news, because it is something that anyone can do.

Happiness myths and facts

There are numerous myths about what will make you happy. So, before we go on a tour of the strategies that do work for increasing happiness, let’s get rid of the ones that don’t.

Myth: Money will make you happy.

Fact: When you’re worried about money, it’s stressful. You do need enough of it to cover your basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, in order to be happy. However, once you have enough money to live comfortably, more money won’t make much of a difference in how happy you are. For example, studies of lottery winners show that they are no happier after a relatively short period of time than they were before their win.

Myth: You need a relationship in order to be happy.

Fact: Being in a healthy, supportive love relationship does contribute to happiness, but being single does not mean you can’t be happy and fulfilled. Indeed, singles with meaningful friendships and interests are happier than those in mismatched romantic relationships. It’s also worth noting that even a happy marriage or romantic relationship does not guarantee a long-term, intense happiness boost. Expecting your partner to provide your happily-ever-after may be detrimental to the relationship in the long run. You are responsible for your own happiness, not your partner or family members.

Myth: Happiness declines with age.

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, people get happier as they get older. According to study after study, seniors have more positive emotions and fewer (but more intense) negative emotions than young people and middle-aged adults. In general, older people are happier with their lives, less sensitive to stress, and more emotionally stable. Even with the losses that come with age, it is the happiest time in many people’s lives.

Myth: Some people are just happier than others and there’s nothing you can do to change that.

Fact: Happiness is influenced by genetics. According to current research, people are born with a predetermined level of happiness. However, this only accounts for about half of our happiness. Another 10% is due to life events. The remaining 40% is determined by your actions and choices. That’s a lot of power!

Tip 1: Improve your brain’s ability to think positively.

Our brains are hardwired to detect and remember mistakes. It’s a survival mechanism that helped keep our cave-dwelling forefathers safe in a world full of physical dangers. However, in today’s relatively safe world, this biological proclivity to dwell on the negative contributes to stress and unhappiness.

We can’t change our nature, but we can train our brains to be more optimistic. This does not imply always putting on a happy face and whistling a happy tune. You don’t have to ignore reality or pretend that everything is perfect when it isn’t. However, just as dwelling on the negative fuels unhappiness (and contributes significantly to depression and anxiety), choosing to notice, appreciate, and anticipate goodness is a powerful happiness booster.

Express gratitude

Teaching yourself to be more grateful can have a significant impact on your overall happiness. According to research, gratitude increases positive emotions, decreases depression, makes you feel better about yourself, improves relationships, and strengthens your immune system. According to a recent study, gratitude makes you smarter about how you spend your money.

There are a few simple exercises you can do to cultivate and increase your gratitude attitude.

Give sincere thanks to others: When someone goes above and beyond or does something to make your day easier, express your gratitude and appreciation as soon as possible. It will not only make the person happy, but it will also make you happy. It’s instant gratification to see how expressing gratitude improves someone else’s day. It makes you realize how interconnected we are and how much your actions matter.

Keep a gratitude journal: Writing down the good things that happened to you during the day may sound cheesy, but it works. Keeping a gratitude journal is a powerful technique that instantly makes you feel happier, more connected to others, and genuinely grateful, according to research.

Count your blessings: Make it a habit to reflect on your blessings on a regular basis. Consider all of the good people, experiences, and things in your life, both present and past. Consider all of your blessings, from the people who love you to the roof over your head and the food on your table. You’ll notice it’s quite a long list.

Write a letter of gratitude: Consider someone who did something that improved your life but who you never properly thanked. Write a thoughtful letter of gratitude in which you express your appreciation for what the person did, how it affected you, and what it still means to you. The letter should then be delivered. For the most dramatic increase in happiness, positive psychology expert Martin Seligman recommends reading the letter in person.

Find the silver lining in a negative event from your past: Even the most adversity can teach us valuable lessons. Reconsider a negative event from your past in terms of what you learned or how you became stronger, wiser, or more compassionate as a result of it. You will be happier and more grateful if you can find meaning in even the worst things that have happened to you.

Tip 2: Relationships should be nurtured and enjoyed

Relationships are a major source of happiness in our lives. This is supported by research on happy people. The more content a person is, the more likely he or she has a large, supportive circle of family and friends, a fulfilling marriage, and a vibrant social life.

As a result, one of the best emotional investments you can make is to nurture your relationships. If you work hard to cultivate and strengthen your relationships with others, you will soon reap the benefits of more positive emotions. And as you become happier, you will attract more people and higher-quality relationships, which will lead to even more happiness and enjoyment. It’s the gift of happiness that keeps on giving.

Make an intentional effort to stay connected: It’s easy to get caught up in our responsibilities and neglect our relationships in our fast-paced society. However, one of the most common regrets at the end of life is losing touch with friends. Don’t allow it to happen to you. Make an effort to stay in touch with the people who brighten your life. Make the effort to call, write, or meet in person. You’ll be happier as a result.

Spend quality time with the people who matter to you: It is not only the time spent with friends and family that is important; it is also how that time is spent. Mindlessly vegging out in front of the TV will not bring you closer together. People in loving relationships talk a lot. They talk about what’s going on in their lives and how they’re feeling. Take their lead and schedule time to talk and enjoy each other’s company.

Make genuine compliments: Consider what you admire and appreciate about the other person, and then express your feelings to them. This will not only make the other person happy, but it will also encourage him or her to be a better friend or partner in the future. It will also make you value the relationship more and make you happier as a gratitude practice.

Look for happy people: Happiness is contagious, according to research. A good mood can literally be caught (you can also catch a bad mood, but thankfully, sadness is less contagious than happiness). So, make an effort to seek out and spend time with people who are happy. You’ll be feeling the happiness before you know it.

Take pleasure in other people’s good fortune: How the partners respond to each other’s good fortune and success is one of the things that truly distinguishes healthy, fulfilling relationships from the rest. Do you show genuine enthusiasm and interest when a friend or family member has a good experience? Or do you dismiss, criticize, or minimize the accomplishment, feel envious or threatened, or simply say, “That’s great,” and then move on? Pay attention when the other person is excited if you want closer relationships. Ask questions, relive the experience with the other person, and express your admiration. Remember that happiness is contagious, so as you share your joy, theirs will become yours.

Tip 3: Live in the present moment and enjoy life’s pleasures:

Consider a time when you were feeling down or anxious. You were probably thinking about something negative from the past or worrying about something in the future. When you focus on the present moment, on the other hand, you are much more likely to feel centered, happy, and at peace. You’re also much more likely to notice the good things that are going on, rather than letting them go unnoticed or unappreciated. So, how do you begin to live more in the moment and appreciate all that life has to offer?


Mindfulness meditation is an effective method for learning to live in and enjoy the present moment. And you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to benefit from it. There is no need for pan flutes, chanting, or yoga pants.

To put it simply, meditation is brain exercise. Meditation appears to reduce activity in areas of the brain associated with negative thoughts, anxiety, and depression when practiced on a regular basis. At the same time,

it boosts activity in areas associated with happiness, contentment, and peace. It also strengthens areas of the brain responsible for emotion regulation and attention control.

Tip 4: Concentrate on helping others and living a meaningful life

There is something deeply satisfying about assisting others and knowing that your actions are making a positive difference in the world. That is why people who help others and give back to their communities tend to be happier. Furthermore, they have higher self-esteem and overall psychological well-being.

Here are some ways to live a more altruistic, meaningful life:

Volunteer: One of the many advantages of volunteering is happiness. You’ll get the most out of the experience if you volunteer for a cause that you care about and where you can make a difference.

Practice kindness: In your daily life, look for ways to be more kind, compassionate, and giving. This can be as simple as brightening a stranger’s day with a smile or going out of your way to help a friend.

Tip 5: Improve your health care

You can be happy even if you are ill or in poor health, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the aspects of your health over which you have control. When it comes to happiness, exercise and sleep are especially important.

Make exercise a regular habit: Exercise is beneficial to more than just the body. It also has a significant impact on mental health. People who exercise on a regular basis are generally happier. Furthermore, they are less stressed, angry, anxious, and depressed. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do as long as you do it on a regular basis. Aim for an hour of exercise at least five days a week for the best results. If you discover something you enjoy, you are more likely to stick with it. So don’t limit yourself to going to the gym or lacing up your jogging shoes. Find something that fits your preferences and lifestyle. Taking a dance class, shooting hoops, walking in nature, joining a community sports league, playing tennis, running with your dog, swimming laps at the pool, hiking, biking, or doing yoga in the park are all possibilities.  If you’re having trouble thinking of activities you enjoy, think back to when you were a kid. What sports or games did you like to play?

Get the sleep you need: Getting enough sleep each night has a direct impact on your happiness, vitality, and emotional stability during the day. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more vulnerable to stress. It’s more difficult to be productive, think creatively, and make sound decisions. How much rest do you require? According to sleep experts, the average person requires 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

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