Weirdest Sports Around The World

Weirdest Sports Around The World

Some inventions, like the internet, the flushing toilet, and the wheel, are really amazing. Some inventions, however, aren’t quite as helpful, like the activity where competitors perform tasks while climbing a mountain or the one where competitors must count livestock. But, even while these sports aren’t as valuable as the internet or the wheel, they aren’t completely useless either, and their oddities make the days of many people a little bit happier. Some of the weirdest sports around the world are as follows:

Even though juggling is a peculiar sport in and of itself, adding running to the mix creates one of the most bizarre sports ever: joggling. Joggling comes in three different flavors. Speed joggers try to cover a distance as quickly as possible while jogging and juggling. The goal of error-free jogglers is to run and juggle for the longest time possible. Last but not least, there are the trick joggers, who attempt to do as many juggling feats as they can while running a mile (1.6km).

Even though you might not think of joggling as a serious activity, some joggling enthusiasts have participated in marathons and even ultramarathons. While the world record for a marathon is two hours, fifty minutes, and nine seconds, the world record for an ultramarathon is apparently eight hours and 23 minutes.

Bossa ball

Is it possible to make jumping on a trampoline better? So, reconsider. The fantastic, quick-paced sport known as bossa ball was created in Belgium. The sport is performed on a trampoline with a ball and incorporates volleyball, football, gymnastics, and capoeira. To ensure that players are safe when jumping to the incredible heights they must, the court is bright, spacious, and inflatable. The objective of the game is to plant the ball on the opposing team’s side of the net, and teams typically consist of three to five players. Players can return the ball with any part of their bodies, and they all go to extraordinary, gravity-defying lengths to do it.

Bossa ball is not an unusual sport, despite being a peculiar one. There are clubs and competitions all throughout the world, and well-known companies like Pepsi, Haribo, and adidas have joined the sport. Although many individuals enjoy the novelty and high-intensity components of the sport, one of its main draws is the social atmosphere it fosters.

Sheep counting

Australia is a country that values sports. What about Australia’s incoherent sports haters, though? What actions do they take? Now, it appears that sheep counting is the sport of choice for all those awkward, clumsy Australians.

Physical strength is not necessary to be a good sheep counter, but skill is. In essence, about 400 sheep are let loose from a pen, and 10 players must attempt to count them correctly as they pass by. This sheep counting competition originated from a job that many Australians in the sheep auction yards undertake for a living. It’s an essential duty that might make the normal person rather crazy, but for those with keen eyes, it’s a challenge that elevates them.

Extreme ironing

Phil Shaw created extreme ironing in 1997. In essence, the sport is carrying out the world’s most tedious task—ironing—in a perilous or isolated place. Extreme ironers, also known as ironists, spend their free time traveling the world with their ironing boards and irons while their loving companion carries a camera (and presumably a first aid kit) in an effort to document their daredevil ironing act. Some of the best ironists have been photographed ironing their garments while trekking, rock-climbing (dry and in snow), in a waterfall, under water, on a highway, on top of a cow, or even while riding in a yellow cab in New York City.

Ferret legging

This is one of the strangest sports in the world, and it will make sense if you’ve ever seen or handled a ferret. If you haven’t already heard, ferrets can be ferocious and strong when they’re terrified. Moreover, they stink and have razor-sharp fangs and claws. Imagine that you’ve stuffed two hungry ferrets down your pants, fastened them at the bottom, and that your belt has since been tightened as the ferrets scurry around your crotch. Ferret legging, that is.

Ostrich racing

Ostrich racing was first practiced in Africa and has now spread to the United States. Ostriches can travel at a fantastic pace of approximately 70 km per hour, which is thrilling for onlookers!

Wife carrying

The odder the list becomes! Finland is where this sport first emerged. Guys are expected to navigate obstacle courses with their wives as quickly as possible. The award? Beer to the weight of the wife. What more?

Cheese rolling

Yet despite having been around for more than 200 years, so many of us have never even heard of cheese rolling! People gather at the top of Coopers Hill during the Spring Bank Holiday in England, a judge rolls down a round of cheese, and the competitors race each other downstairs to win the cheese!


For all you Potterheads out there, this is the fulfillment of a dream! Quidditch, the fictitious game for wizards, was so alluring to followers that they turned it into a genuine sport! Using a broom between their legs, a seven-person team competes. It incorporates elements like tag, dodgeball, and rugby.

World gurning contest

Whoever can make the ugliest face wins this competition! Despite what you would think, gurning competitions were first held in the UK in 1297 at the Egremont Crab Fair.

Bed racing

Only Army, Navy, and Marines were allowed to compete in the first bed racing competition, which took place in the North Yorkshire town of Knaresborough in 1965. But, the tournament is now open to everyone. According to the year’s theme, each group of five people is tasked with creating a bed that has four wheels and can float. The incredible difficulty of crossing a river is also there in the 3 km race!

Cardboard Tube Fighting League

Every year, the Cardboard Tube Combat League has competitions across the US and Australia. The “warriors” gather at these gatherings to duel each other while wearing weak homemade armor. Gives you the chance to engage in responsible combat while also appearing ridiculously garbed in cardboard!

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