
7 Winter Foods and Drinks to Avoid For a Healthy, Infection-Free Body

foods to avoid in winter

Foods to avoid in winter: According to experts, a specific set of foods should be avoided in the harsh winter season for improved health and immunity.

The winter season has arrived, bringing with it a plethora of delectable foods and cuisines. Everyone is aware of the foods we must eat during the winter – seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as all things warm and nourishing. But what about foods to avoid in winter? For better health and immunity, experts and nutritionists in the field recommend avoiding a specific set of foods and food types during the harsh winter season. Avoid these foods to maintain a healthy, strong body that is less susceptible to infections.

Here Are 5 Foods To Avoid In Winter:


1. Cold Foods

Consider a bottle of cola straight from the fridge. Consider again. Cold drinks and foods can deplete the body’s defense system, making it more vulnerable to disease. “Cold temperature foods should not be eaten in the winter because the body has to work twice as hard to bring them up to body temperature,” says Rupali Dutta, a consultant nutritionist.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products are mucus-producing by nature, which may make you susceptible to wheezing and other infections. During the winter, try to limit your intake of cold dairy products such as milk, shakes, and smoothies. In the winter, curd is also best avoided after lunch. According to Delnaaz T. Chanduwadia, Chief Dietitian at Jaslok Hospital, “Some people are particularly sensitive to dairy, and according to Ayurveda, it causes mucus. Those who are prone to colds and coughs should avoid dairy.”

3. Meats And Processed Foods

Heavy foods, such as meats, are not recommended in the winter. According to experts, it takes the body longer to digest these, making us drowsy at a time when physical inactivity is already low. This may result in digestive problems as well as weight gain. In the cold weather, limiting processed foods is also advised because they may cause allergies in some people. einsteineruploading up to get together with.


4. Salads And Raw Food

Shilpa Arora ND, Nutritionist and Macrobiotic Health Coach, advises avoiding salads and raw food after lunch in the winter. This is because cold foods increase acidity and bloating, and digestion is at its peak at noon. Only eat seasonal salads like mooli and raw vegetables during these hours. “It is critical to consume seasonal foods. Most foods that grow in a specific season are intended to help, heal, and protect against the diseases that are most prevalent during those months “Delnaaz T. Chanduwadia, a dietitian, concurs.

5. Aerated Drinks and Juices

We are all aware that chilled beverages should be avoided during the winter season. However, experts advise that all aerated drinks, fruit juices, and other sugary beverages be consumed in moderation. Because of the high sugar content, the body develops insulin resistance, potentially lowering immunity. “Consume fresh fruit instead of fruit juices. In the winter, even fresh fruit juice should be avoided “Shilpa Arora, ND, concurs.

6. Fatty Foods With Empty Calories

All we can think about in the winter is eating piping hot Pakoras and ghee-laden Paranthas. While these warm foods may help the body cope with the cold weather, experts caution against overeating empty calories. “It will take you far from your healthy weight goals, as well as derange your tightly controlled blood parameters. Spices may satisfy your taste buds temporarily, but they can cause gastric distress in the long run “Sweedal Trinidade, a senior dietitian, agrees.


7. Sweets

There are numerous winter festivals, and celebrations are invariably associated with sugary treats and delectable desserts. However, senior dietitian Sweedal Trinidade believes that this may impair immunity in cold weather. “Let us keep an eye on our Immunity while we indulge our sweet tooth. Yes, sugar causes inflammation and pain. It also lowers immunity, making you susceptible to respiratory problems “she claims.

Foods That Can Keep You Warm in Winter Season

During the winter, it is not only about how well you cover yourself with layers of woollen clothing, but also about what you consume to keep warm. You can include certain foods in your diet that will naturally generate heat in your body. Furthermore, we require more nutrients in our diets in order to fuel our systems. Begin by changing the ingredients in your pantry and refrigerator. Winter requires more energy to keep the body warm, and interestingly, the efficiency of our digestive processes increases to help us better utilize nutrients. We require more nutrients in our diets in order to fuel our bodies.

Winter Diet: Add Some Of These Nutrients For Benefits:

1. Consume plenty of vitamin C: Maintaining our immunity is essential for avoiding infections such as flus and colds. Citrusy fruits, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, amla, and guava are high in vitamin C, which is important for the health of our immune system.


2. Get your beta carotene from the reds, whites, and greens. The colors of vegetables and fruits indicate the presence of antioxidant polyphenols. Carotenoids are found in red and yellow vegetables, chlorophyll in greens, anthocyanins in blue purple and red vegetables, and anthoxanthins in white vegetables. Winter necessitates more nutrients, so make your plate more colorful. In addition to antioxidants, root vegetables provide carbohydrates for increased energy demands, while greens provide beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in our bodies and helps to maintain tissue integrity.

3. Nuts provide concentrated energy sources from healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, proteins, and fiber. Dry fruits are high in potassium and iron and are a good source of energy.

4. Spices commonly used in our cooking aid digestion and have been used to treat colds and pains. Ajwain is an excellent digestive aid, and methi seeds are beneficial for bone and joint pain. Because haldi is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it can be used to treat joint stiffness and pain. Haldi water also aids in the development of immunity. Tulsi and mustard seeds are effective cold remedies.


Stay healthy, warm and safe. Consider the foods to avoid in winter and Don’t forget to stock up on good nutrition this winters! 


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