
Internal Happiness is Eternal Happiness

Internal Happiness is Eternal Happiness

“Happiness… is not a destination: it is a manner of travelling. Happiness is not an end in itself: It is a by-product of working, playing, loving and living.” –Haim Ginott

We pursue things that can bring us happiness throughout our entire lives. We did come to the realization that we had wasted a significant amount of time in the wrong places later in life. Although it was always inside of us, we kept looking outside of ourselves for happiness in other things and other people.

True happiness comes from within. Even if we don’t have all we want, we can choose to always be happy.


Look inside if you want to find true happiness. If you believe that someone else can only offer it to you, then you are seeking pleasure. People and other things typically bring us pleasure rather than happiness.

The distinction between happiness and pleasure:

Pleasure and happiness are sometimes used interchangeably. One can, however, invoke others, but they are distinct. Pleasure is derived from the people and objects in your environment. When you finally obtain the new car you wanted, it will make you happy. Yet, you know, it won’t last more than a few months. After that, you’ll continue to consider purchasing other items.


These significant pleasures can occasionally disappear without warning when you learn about a tragedy or the loss of another item. As an illustration, suppose you learn after purchasing an automobile that the price you paid was greater than the market price. Or perhaps someone inadvertently damaged your brand-new vehicle in a parking lot. Now you can see that even if you may have saved money for a certain item for six months or even a year, the satisfaction that resulted from it only lasts for one month. This unhappiness gives rise to yet another wish to be happy.

I’m not stopping you from getting a car if you need one, but don’t count on these things to make you happy for the rest of your life. You are the only one who can give yourself Everlasting Bliss, and you already possess it. Let’s look at ways to achieve Everlasting Happiness:

Find your Life Purpose:


Examine who you are. Nobody else but you is sure what you desire. Discover your life. Everyone in our world is looking for their purpose, but not everyone does. You can find it if you look deeper into life. Finding your life’s mission and pursuing it will bring you Everlasting Bliss.

“The purpose of life is to be life of purpose.”Robert Byrne

Being authentic and loving oneself


Discover what makes you special. Be the person you want to be. Follow your passions and never stop loving yourself. “You were born an original,” John Mason declared, and he was right. Avoid dying a copy.

Do not place an excessive amount of your happiness in the hands of others:

If you consistently experience great joy whenever anything positive occurs in your life, you probably won’t handle bad news well. Always keep in mind that things change. In life, things don’t always turn out the way you expect them to, though occasionally they do. Avoid being overly enamored with it. Avoid crying over spilled milk. Consider things from several perspectives. If you look for it, you’ll discover something good in everything. Everything depends on how you choose to view this. But, the opposite is also true, so decide what you want to see.


Take nothing in life too seriously:

If you always take life too seriously it will keep you hurting. Enjoy playing with it. Keep finding moments to enjoy. No matter how tough circumstances are, keep yourself calm and peaceful. Peaceful mind is source of Eternal Happiness. It may take a while to practice that but it is always possible.

Become your own best friend:


With whom did you spend the majority of your time? Your name is. Do you enjoy having me around? When you’re lonely, how do you feel? Do you enjoy being by yourself? Make yourself your best friend to ensure constant happiness. Never stop conversing with oneself. Remind yourself frequently of your interests and passions. Share the things you enjoy with others. When nobody can join you for your favorite event, go there by yourself. Keep in mind that you are your best friend’s best friend, and you will always appreciate their company.

Forgive and Forget:

Do you harbor resentments for a long time? The adversary of eternal happiness is this. Do you have enough mental room to hold onto unpleasant memories indefinitely, even if they don’t pay rent? Clear your mind by forgetting them if necessary and forgiving them. It is you who improves by forgiving others, not the other way around. As a result, forget the things from the past that are ruining your present.


“Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else.”Brian L. Weiss


Don't Stop,

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