
Summer Diet Tips : Some Foods And Drinks To Naturally Boost Energy

Summer Diet Tips : Some Foods And Drinks To Naturally Boost Energy

As the temperature continues to rise, we’re all starting to miss the winters and hoping to escape to hill stations for some relief. The summer season has only just begun, but we’re sure the heat has already taken its toll on you. Summers are especially harsh if you live in a major city or a heavily polluted area. It is critical that you protect your body against the heat by taking simple precautions such as covering your face and limbs before venturing out, as well as making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Fatigue and sluggishness are two of the most common symptoms of heat stroke. Excessive heat tends to generate heat in the body as well and causes a number of digestion problems. So you must consider the summer diet tips.

This is why you experience lethargy and stomach issues during the summer. Fortunately, there are a variety of summer diet tips for low energy in the form of foods and drinks that you can incorporate into your daily diet. Consume these summer diet tips on a daily basis to stay energized throughout the day, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time outside.


To keep your energy levels high during the summer, include the following drinks in your diet:

1. Curd or buttermilk

Apart from keeping you cool on the inside and preventing digestive problems, buttermilk or curd can also help you stay energized during the summer. During the summer, Lassi or sweetened buttermilk served with a dollop of white butter is especially useful for recharging your body. Chhas, or salted and spiced buttermilk, contains rock salt, roasted cumin seeds, and coriander or mint leaves, all of which can help you stay energized.

2. Coconut oil

During the summer, many people prefer to drink the water from one whole coconut on a daily basis. This is due to the fact that coconut water contains beneficial electrolytes as well as important minerals such as sodium and potassium, which help to recharge and energize the body.

3. Watermelon

Whether you enjoy eating ripe and chilled watermelon on its own or in juices, sorbets, or margaritas, this fruit can help you stay cool and healthy during the summer. Watermelon has even been shown to improve athletic performance and speed up muscle recovery when consumed before a workout. Watermelon have performance-enhancing properties due to the presence of the amino acid L-citrulline.


4. Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane provides immediate energy boost. You can juice it or simply chop, peel, and chew on the plant’s fibrous inner flesh. Chewing on sugarcane releases the natural sugary sweet essence, providing your body with an instant energy boost.

If you notice that your body’s energy levels are consistently low and insufficient to perform even simple daily tasks, you should see a doctor for a full diagnosis.

To stay cool naturally, add these three spices to your Tea :

Masala chai is a treat to drink at any time of day. Tea addicts will attest to the energizing properties of this desi concoction that has wowed the world. Chai is making waves on a global scale and can be found in a variety of cafes and restaurants around the world. However, for desis, drinking chai is a way of bonding with friends and family as well as unwinding after a long day at work. When consumed during the summer, however, the milky hot drink may cause a number of digestive issues. When consumed in excess during the summer, chai is warming in nature and may cause gastric distress, dehydration, and summer headaches but you can follow summer diet tips not to avoid tea.


However, many chai addicts cannot imagine a morning meal without our favorite caffeine fix. There are, thankfully, some summertime tweaks to your masala chai that can make it more suitable and healthier for consumption. To keep digestive issues at bay, one of these methods is to add some cooling spices to your chai while it is being prepared.

Here are three spices that, when combined with chai, may help keep summer headaches and digestive issues at bay:

1.Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds, which are naturally cooling, are one of the best spices to add to your milky tea this summer. It also prevents common summer digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, and indigestion. According to Ayurveda, fennel seeds have a cooling effect on the body and can naturally relieve or reduce heat.


2. Green Cardamom

Acidity is a common problem during summers and green cardamom, or chhoti elaichi, is especially beneficial for those who face this problem as it counteracts excessive stomach acid. Cardamom is also known to relieve stomach cramps.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric’s warm yellow color may suggest otherwise, but this spice may help you stay cool this summer. When consumed on a daily basis, the bitter spice is known to purify blood, fight inflammation, and provide a number of beauty benefits. This summer, add turmeric, haldi powder, or fresh root to your chai to add earthy flavor and a whole lot of nutrition. Many people complain of excessive digestive stress during the summer, so drinking chai during the summer may not be such a good idea for them. If you have acid reflux or digestive issues, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about the best summer diet for you.

The One Summer Food That Can Help You Avoid Pimples And Breakouts :

Heat retention in our bodies is a common issue during the summer. Internal heat can cause a variety of symptoms in our bodies, including irritability, restlessness, mood swings, headaches, and a variety of digestive disorders such as ulcers, bloating, indigestion, acidity, and gas. Pimple breakouts, which are common during the summer, are one of the most common indicators of excessive body heat. This skin problem is usually temporary and can be resolved in one or two days. Summertime makes the skin more prone to pimples because the various nooks and corners of the face can accumulate a lot of oil, dirt, and sweat. It is important to drink plenty of water, both to cool down and to avoid this common skin problem. But your diet may also go a long way in helping you avoid summer pimples and keep your skin clear.


Aside from drinking enough water and wiping your face with a clean cloth after being out in the sun, adding certain foods to your diet may help reduce body heat and thus avoid pimple breakouts. Curd or dahior yogurt is an obvious summer food that is essential for staying healthy during the summer. The probiotic dairy food has many benefits, but did you know that eating it can help your skin stay clear and fresh during the summer? Dahi, both consumed and applied topically, can help soothe your skin and prevent pimple breakouts.

How Consuming Dahi Can Help Avoid Pimples ?

Dahi, or curd, and dishes or condiments made from it are naturally probiotic. This means that yogurt and curd encourage the growth of gut healthy bacteria, which not only aids digestion but also promotes skin health. It keeps you cool in the summer and contains a variety of important nutrients such as vitamin D, protein, calcium, and essential B vitamins. It improves skin quality by moisturizing it from the inside out. Consume a bowl of curd daily during lunch to reduce body heat, aid digestion, and prevent pimples. To boost the health benefits of curd during the summer, add grated vegetables or cooling spices like jeera powder to your bowl.

Curd mixed with besan or chickpea flour, honey, and turmeric can be applied topically to make an all-natural pimple home remedy. This desi face pack, known as ubtan, will come in handy during the summer months, as it will quickly become your go-to summer beauty treatment for soothing irritated skin and sunburns, as well as avoiding pimples. So, this summer, make sure to keep some curd in your fridge to avoid pimples and breakouts.



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