
Are Video Games Actually Beneficial to Children?

Are Video Games Actually Beneficial to Children?

It appears that kids playing video games actually beneficial to children. record scratch We’re aware. That contradicts much of what we’ve heard about their negative effects (think: increased aggression and violence). A new study, however, suggests that video games may improve cognitive performance in children.

Researchers examined brain imaging data from over 2,000 children aged 9 and 10. This is the largest group of children ever used in a video game study. The results are encouraging. However, the overall research on the effects of video games is mixed.

Ultimately, it’s up to parents to decide what’s best for their families, but this new study does provide more data to help them make decisions. Here’s what you need to know.


What does the new research say about video games and children?

Children who played video games for three or more hours per day performed better on memory and impulse control tasks. They also had changes in brain areas involved in working memory, reaction time, problem solving, and attention.

For older children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting screen time to two hours per day. The study purposefully exceeded those guidelines in order to test for excessive gaming. This study found no evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship. However, researchers will continue to collect data from the ABCD study, which provides these children with brain imaging every two years.


The authors also emphasize that their findings do not imply that children should spend an inordinate amount of time on computers, phones, or televisions. “Any physical activity is preferable to any screen time,” Bader Chaarani, PhD, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor at the University of Vermont, said. “However, video gaming may be superior to television viewing.” TV viewing is regarded as a passive activity, whereas video gaming is more active and may provide cognitive benefits to children.”

What other research has found about the effects of video games on children?

The outcomes are all over the place.


Several studies have found links between video gaming and increases in depression, violence, and aggressive behavior. However, many of those studies used small sample sizes. And there is growing research (including the new study) that shows gaming has motivational, emotional, and social benefits.

There is also evidence that video games can be used as therapy and even medicine, according to research. The FDA approved the first prescription video game treatment for children with ADHD in 2020. The company is investigating whether it could also be used to treat patients with COVID-19 brain fog.

Important: Video games can have both positive and negative effects (for example, better working memory but higher levels of anxiety).


How can parents use video games to help their children?

You can interact with different worlds, solve problems, and try new things. If used correctly, it’s a fantastic tool,” said Anthony Bean, PhD, clinical psychologist and executive director of the nonprofit The Telos Project.

To start:


Find the best video game for your child.

Check the rating of a new game before purchasing it to ensure that it is appropriate for your child’s age. Common Sense Media has compiled a list of quality and impact-rated games.

Bean believes that Nintendo games are the best for children because they are both entertaining and challenging (for example: Pokemon, Sonic Frontiers, and Mario Kart). “It allows the child to go in and immerse themselves in the game and fail in a safe environment,” Bean explained. “In order to grow, we must fail.” Nobody does everything perfectly. Those [games] necessitate a certain level of balance, the ability to modulate frustration, and the ability to push yourself forward.”


Participate with your children.

Pick up that controller and have some fun with your kids. It will aid in the formation of a strong bond, which is essential for their development.

You can still participate if playing Pokemon isn’t your thing. Show interest in their game by asking questions and congratulating them on their achievements.


Use time limits that work for your family

The AAP recommends limiting screen time to one hour per day for children aged 2 to 5, and two hours per day for older children. However, Bean believes that you should do what is best for your family.

Bean advises parents to keep an eye on how their child reacts. If their child’s mood changes or if they “become a little bit of a jerk,” they may reconsider. Other indicators include choosing the game over playing outside or hanging out with friends.


Set up parental controls

Keep in mind that you are the boss. All video gaming systems allow you to set parental controls to limit what your children buy, which games they play, and with whom they communicate.



The research on video games is not conclusive. However, a new, large study suggests that they may have a positive impact on young children. According to experts, there are things parents can do right now to help their children reap the benefits of video games. It’s up to you to figure out what works best for your family.


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