
What Do You Want to Do With Your Life?

What Do You Want to Do With Your Life?

What do you hope to accomplish in life? Almost everyone asks himself this question. Additionally, I don’t think you should have even bothered to ask that question in the first place.

“I don’t know what I want to do in life, all I know is that it isn’t this.”

That was the opinion expressed to me by a buddy. She is in her mid-twenties, intelligent, astute, and diligent. She is yet still confined to employment that pay little more than the minimum wage. She admits to applying to universities every year but never following through. Why? Because she is unable to respond to that query.


As passion grows

Many others, I’m concerned, fall into the same trap. the fallacy that individuals must first make important life decisions before taking action. The trap that demands that you have a passion from birth. And the myth that it’s simple to mix your interests with a career.

I typically respond that I plan to be an entrepreneur when people ask what I plan to do in five or ten years. “Oh. What will be the nature of your business? I have a good reason to think that this online business might be it. I plan to make roughly $10,000 this year in total between earnings and freelance labor. This income undoubtedly has the potential to become livable with focused effort over the next four to five years.

But, I don’t typically say that. since it is not the objective. To be completely honest, I have no idea where I’ll be in ten years. My record demonstrates that, even in the previous couple of years, my passions have changed significantly.


In his book My Start Up Life, Comcate’s CEO Ben Casnocha, who is 19 years old, demonstrates how his passion didn’t come to him in a moment of inspiration.

“It didn’t start with a dream. It didn’t start with in a garage. It didn’t even start with an innovative epiphany, which are perhaps entrepreneurs’ most overplayed recollections.” He continues, relating the story of Jerry Kaplan’s epiphany moment in Kaplan’s book, Start Up. To which Ben adds, “I wish my epiphany were as primal. It wasn’t, and most aren’t.”

It becomes evident that Ben’s interest changed as he tells his tale of growing up to be a CEO. Entrepreneurship and making a difference sparked curiosity. Yet he took little steps from these interests, each of which helped him develop a passion. I don’t think he ever began his path by choosing what he wanted to do with his life.


Change judgment with curiosity

I think you should start asking questions rather than making firm conclusions about a career route. Get enquiring about how the world operates. Take note of your own passions and look for tiny methods to express them. even if you haven’t yet been able to figure out how to profit from it.

You can’t jump the gap between your passion and your source of income. As interests can’t always be instantly translated into a source of revenue, they are frequently abandoned. since they don’t have the same importance as that task.

Blogging is a good illustration. Many of the bloggers I know aspire to become successful. They want to use their passion as a source of money, turning it into a business. And blogging is not simple. Even the authors of the most quicksand successes I’ve seen had to wait more than a year before they could call blogging anything more than a pastime. And those were the results of writing skill, good fortune, and a tremendous amount of work.


In order to develop a passion, patience is a crucial factor. More importantly, though, you must be receptive to new options.

Interest to Income Isn’t a Straight Path

The first five years are when 80% of new enterprises fail. What’s more intriguing is that the majority of the 20% of people that succeeded didn’t do it in the manner they had anticipated.

Before creating his hugely successful website, Steve Pavlina thought that his goods and classes would generate the majority of his income. But now, almost five years later, all of his income comes from affiliate sales and advertising. He underestimated that revenue possibility in his company plan.


Similar to this, I don’t think most people’s passions take a direct course. Scott Adams, the popular cartoonist and creator of Dilbert, started off with an economics degree and a job in a bank.

How to Develop a Passion and Make it Work in Seven Easy Steps

Step One – Gather Sparks of Curiosity

You’re not yet being driven by an inferno of passion, are you? Don’t stress over it. I don’t know many people who do. And if you are younger than 30, you are most likely in the vast majority.


The initial stage is to just focus your energy on desires. The tiny glimmers of curiosity that you don’t know enough about to turn become passions. Seeking randomness is what Ben Casnocha refers to as. Finding my intuition and applying it to make little investments in things that might be intriguing has been a process for me.

This entails engaging in various activities, reading various literature, and getting to know various individuals. Many opportunities exist to discover a passion that can work thanks to broad affiliations.

Step Two: Fan the Flames of Interest


You need to nurture your triumphs after being exposed to a lot of unpredictability. Develop the minor interests that pop up in your life. Try enrolling in a physics class if you enjoyed the topic after reading a book on it. Try a modest software project if you like doing some simple programming.

Step Three: Cut Out Distractions

It takes time to nurture whims and discover new hobbies. I put a lot of importance on productivity with myself because without it, I wouldn’t be able to consider these possibilities.


It shouldn’t be too difficult to cut out the extras if your interests are sincere and worthwhile of further investigation. Distractions like television, excessive internet use, and video games are easily overcome with some conditioning. Reallocating time you don’t think is yours is the difficult part.

Step Four: Living Minimally

If you already have a job that you don’t love, put in the minimum amount of effort necessary to keep it going. Genuine interests require time to develop into talents that can bring in money.


I don’t advise becoming a penniless artist with a mountain of debt. But if you aren’t living your passion, don’t enlarge your life to accommodate a bigger and bigger wage. Otherwise, you merely lock yourself into a comfortable but lifeless existence.

A prime example of this is ZenHabits author Leo Babauta. He found ways to save expenses and concentrate on his interest while raising six children, working two jobs, and doing freelance work. I wouldn’t be surprised if his website became a reliable source of revenue for him in a few years given how rapidly it gained a ton of popularity. Live simply to avoid being sucked into a life that is comfortable but unfulfilling.

Step Five: Make a Passion that Creates Value


You can make money through virtually any medium if you have a skill that adds value to society. Entrepreneurs will attest that it takes talent to monetize a passion, but it is impossible without adding real value.

You need to develop a skill that can meet people’s wants out of your growing passions. It’s simple to translate some passions. A passion for computers can make it possible for you to work as a software designer. Some are harder than others. A love of poetry may make it more challenging to satisfy a particular human need.

Discover a method to monetize that value in step six


Create repeatable methods for generating income after you have the capacity to add value to society. This might take the shape of employment. You might be hired as a programmer by Google. Or, it can result in going freelance or starting a business.

Value is difficult to monetize. You must develop your marketing and self-promotion skills as well as your ability to connect human needs. It doesn’t matter if you want to run a business or get a job. As you are the CEO of your life, you must understand how to combine your personal interests with helping others.

Step Seven: Go Back to Step One


Create repeatable methods for generating income after you have the capacity to add value to society. This might take the shape of employment. You might be hired as a programmer by Google. Or, it can result in going freelance or starting a business.

Not all of your interests can or will complete the sixth step. The myth that you can only have one passion, however, is just as pervasive as the one that says you need to determine what you want to do with your life. I’ve reached a stage where I feel I have too many options as a result of pursuing my passions. There are too many routes that could take one to a rewarding and happy profession. Don’t dwell on a single failure.

What do you want to do with your life?


Your life doesn’t have to follow a predetermined plot line. It doesn’t have to begin with a desire, continue with sacrifice, and culminate in a lovely house with four bedrooms. It may instead turn and move. You only need to take the next step; you don’t need to know the complete solution.

Don't Stop,

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