
What Is Happiness?

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is both a thrilling and elusive state. Long have philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and even economists attempted to define it. Since the 1990s, a whole branch of psychology called positive psychology has been dedicated to determining it. It is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning and deep contentment. It is more than just a positive mood.

Feeling joyful has health benefits as well. A growing body of research suggests that happiness can improve your physical health; for example, feelings of positivity and fulfillment appear to benefit cardiovascular health, the immune system, inflammation levels, and blood pressure. Happiness has even been linked to an increased lifespan as well as a higher quality of life and well-being.

Happiness is a worldwide pursuit. Researchers discovered that people from all over the world value happiness more than other desirable personal outcomes such as acquiring wealth, material goods, and entering heaven.


How to Be Happy

Happiness does not come from bouncing from one joy to the next; instead, researchers have discovered that achieving happiness typically involves periods of significant discomfort. Your genetic make-up, life circumstances, accomplishments, marital status, social relationships, and even your neighbors all have an impact on how happy you are. Or it could be. Individual ways of thinking and expressing feelings differ. According to research, a large portion of happiness is under personal control.

Indulging in small pleasures on a regular basis, becoming immersed in challenging activities, setting and meeting goals, maintaining close social ties, and finding purpose beyond oneself all contribute to increased life satisfaction. It is the pursuit of happiness rather than happiness itself that promotes well-being.

Signs of a Happy Person

Happy people live with purpose. They find joy in lasting relationships, working toward their goals, and living according to their values. The happy person is not enamored with material goods or luxury vacations. This person is fine with the simple pleasures of life—petting a dog, sitting under a tree, enjoying a cup of tea. Here are a few of the outward signs that someone is content.


  • Is open to learning new things
  • Is high in humility and patience
  • Smiles and laughs readily
  • Goes with the flow
  • Practices compassion
  • Is often grateful
  • Exercises self-care
  • Enjoys healthy relationships
  • Is happy for other people
  • Gives and receives without torment
  • Lives with meaning and purpose
  • Does not feel entitled and has fewer expectations
  • Is not spiteful or insulting
  • Does not hold grudges
  • Does not register small annoyances
  • Does not angst over yesterday and tomorrow
  • Does not play games
  • Is not a martyr or victim
  • Is not stingy with their happiness

Happiness Myths

When it comes to what we believe will make us happy, there are many misconceptions. People frequently believe that they will be happy once they reach a certain milestone, such as finding the perfect partner or earning a certain salary.

Humans, on the other hand, are excellent at adapting to new situations, which means that people will become accustomed to their new relationship or wealth, return to a baseline level of happiness, and seek out the next milestone. Fortunately, the same principle holds true for setbacks—we are resilient and will almost certainly find happiness again.

In terms of finances, research shows that the sweet spot for yearly income is between $60,000 and $95,000 per year, rather than a million-dollar salary. Earnings above $95,000 do not necessarily equate to increased well-being; a person earning $150,000 per year will not necessarily be as happy as someone earning much less.


These misconceptions about happiness are exemplified by the following thoughts:

  • “I’ll be happy when I’m rich and successful.”
  • “I’ll be happy when I’m married to the right person.”
  • “Landing my dream job will make me happy.”
  • “I can’t be happy when my relationship has fallen apart.”
  • “I will never recover from this diagnosis.”
  • “The best years of my life are over.”

Positive Psychology

The branch of psychology that studies human flourishing is known as positive psychology. It asks how people can feel good, form authentic relationships, find flow, achieve their goals, and live a meaningful life.

The movement was inspired by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman’s desire for a fundamental shift in psychology—from focusing on disease and distress to providing the knowledge and skills to cultivate growth, meaning, and fulfillment.


Happiness Over the Lifespan

Every person has a unique life experience, and thus a unique happiness experience. However, when scientists examine the average trajectory of happiness over a lifetime, some patterns emerge. Happiness and satisfaction start out relatively high, drop from adolescence to midlife, and then rise throughout older adulthood.

What makes someone happy in their 20s may not make them happy in their 80s, and joy in one’s 80s may seem irrelevant in one’s 20s. People should continue to observe and revise what makes them happy at any given time in order to strive for fulfillment throughout their lives.

Happiness and Health

Health and happiness are inextricably linked. That’s not to say that people with illnesses can’t be happy; it’s just that taking care of one’s health is an important—and perhaps underappreciated—part of happiness.


Researchers have discovered numerous links between health and happiness, including a longer lifespan, but it is difficult to determine which factor causes which. Making changes to one’s diet, exercise, sleep, and other habits can help everyone feel happier.

What Makes People Happy?

Finding happiness and contentment is an ongoing process. Many of the tenets that aid individuals on their journey have now been identified by psychologists.

Happiness includes curiosity, as well as the ability to tolerate risk and anxiety in order to discover new passions and aspects of one’s identity. It entails striking a balance between short-term pleasure and long-term striving for goals. It is aided by friends and family, who can both celebrate successes and provide support after setbacks. Happiness includes the ability to recognize and embrace all emotions, even those that are unpleasant. It entails looking at the big picture rather than getting bogged down in the details. Overall, living with mindfulness, meaning, and purpose is what it means to be happy.


Is it possible to find lasting happiness?

The key to long-term happiness is to make small changes on a regular basis. Developing habits such as keeping a gratitude journal, practicing kindness, cultivating optimism, learning to forgive, investing in relationships, finding flow activities, avoiding overthinking, savoring life’s joys, and committing to goals can help you maintain your happiness.

Are people born happy?

Some people are born with a greater sense of optimism, positivity, and contentment. Although genetics is a major predictor of happiness, people who tend toward pessimism can (to some extent) change their outlook by reframing negative thoughts and avoiding self-criticism.


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